Hoe meld je aan? Volg deze stappen:

  • Lees alle praktische informatie hier
  • Maak je account op de website van het European Solidarity Corps. Creeër je profiel, maak een cv aan en vul alle informatie in. Deze informatie is nodig om je aanmelding voor een project in orde te krijgen. Zodra je dit gedaan hebt, ga je via mail ook al projecten toegestuurd krijgen. Je kan daarnaast ook zelf op zoek gaan naar mogelijke projecten. Check ook hier regelmatig voor vacatures die wij binnen krijgen.
  • Vul het formulier hieronder in en/of stuur ons je cv via mail door. Je kan mailen naar [email protected]. Zet in het onderwerp ESC.


Nieuwe projecten

Madeira, Portugal

The MADEIRAN HERITAGE program brings together the cultural and tourist values promoted by the University of Madeira Students’ Union. The program is executed through the promotion of several monuments and attractions of Funchal where a wide range of services are offered, highlighting the free educational visits that are provided to educational establishments throughout the region. In addition, the MADEIRAN HERITAGE offers, free of charge, music, exhibitions, cultural tours, audio guides, autonomous circuits of history and other initiatives.

The Jesuits’ College of Funchal, the Church of St. John the Evangelist, the Town Hall of Funchal, the Legislative Assembly of Madeira, the Monastery of Santa Clara, the historic centre of the city and Quinta Vigia are monuments and attractions that are integrated into our program.

Through our cultural and historical circuits, our colleagues support the visitor’s knowledge of the valuable material and immaterial heritage of our region, allowing the visitor to explore how these monuments, and their occupants, helped shape our society. The University of Madeira Students’ Union collects its funds and depends on the support of its visitors, donors, patrons and volunteers. Through the income of the visits, we have been able to finance several social support and volunteering programs, the beneficiaries of which are the students of the University of Madeira.

Aanmelding voor deze projecten staat momenteel niet meer open, maar laat het ons zeker weten indien je hier interesse in hebt. Dan brengen we de organisatie op de hoogte en vragen we hen om ons te informeren zodra zij terug een nieuw project beschikbaar hebben.


Reykjavik, IJsland

Het AFS-kantoor van IJsland ontvangt jaarlijks 2-4 vrijwilligers.

Lees de oproep van AFS IJsland en meld je aan.

Deadline: 10 januari 2025

Deze oproep komt jaarlijks terug. Laat het ons zeker weten mocht je interesse hebben, ook als de deadline reeds verstreken is!


Burgos, Spain

The “Green Hands Burgos” project arrives to its 5th edition, hosting two volunteers in Ábrego Association and two volunteers in Huerteco Association. The main objective of “Green Hands Burgos” is to promote environmental education as well as to encourage rural development, through the activities that will be developed in the different organisations and through the activities focused on sustainable development and environmental protection issues. Furthermore, the project will represent an opportunity for intercultural learning for the volunteers and entities involved, who will participate in the project to promote cooperation and solidarity, responding, as it did in the first edition of the project, to the programmatic strategy of the European Solidarity Corps, designed precisely to promote cohesion, solidarity, democracy and the active participation of
young Europeans.

The main mission of the Ábrego Association is to make Burgos citizens aware of the need to get involved in order to generate changes that improve and enrich people’s lives. The association’s main objective is rural development as a response to the global, and for this reason, it creates courses, spaces and meeting points in the rural world.

From February 2025 for 12 months

Burgos, Spain

Ábrego Association

1 volunteer 18-30 years old resident in EU member countries or Ukraine

De deadline is inmiddels verlopen, maar je kunt je nog aanmelden!


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